January 04, 2019
Designed by - Wei-Kai Hung and Lee Hao-Pang Chang
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

因為大美術館計畫而有了當代新館的產生,舊館與新館有著 微妙對話,一個在地上一個在地下,在這樣的關係下林間美術館的 概念成了串連的橋樑。 北美南門後方擁有大片的綠地,也是交通的必經點,但附屬 空間的不足卻成了南門的致命傷,然而在大美術館計畫下閒置空間 成了新的解套方式,南北關係的翻轉帶給我們新的美術館想像。 人造與自然的爭奪從來沒有停止過,後自然對我們來說是在 探討如何在兩者間尋求一個平衡,極端氣候的出現成了自然的反撲,我們藉由地景建築及微治洪的概念,創造美術館的生態系,改善人造與自然的關係,誰說兩者一定是衝突的,如何在大美術館計 畫下重塑南門,翻轉北美館是我們的挑戰也是我們的機會。
The project of the major museum generates the contemporary new building. The old building and the new building have subtle conversation which one is on the ground and the other is underground. Under the relationship, the concept of the museum in woods becomes the connected bridge. Taipei Fine Arts Museum owns a vast grassland behind South Door. It is also the traffic intersection but lack of auxiliary space. Therefore, the project of the major museum solved the problem and the reversal of the relationship between South and North brings us a new imagination of the museum. The contention between artificial and natural has never stopped, and Postnature means to discuss the balance between artificial and natural to us. Nature fights back through the extreme weather, however, they could be no conflict if we create the ecosystem of the museum by the concept of landscape architecture and micro-detention to improve the relationship between artificial and natural. How to remodel South Door under the project of the major museum? Museum III is our challenge and our chance.