January 06, 2017
Designed by Kuei-Chao Huang and Bo-Sheng Ou
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

位於尼加拉瓜的首都馬拿瓜的近郊,有一座垃圾山(la chureca)。就我們平常的觀念來看,這樣的環境應該是不宜居住的,然而有將近1500人在生活上是依賴著這塊地。
Garbage, waste, pollution, they seem to be invisible to us but yet visible in our daily lives. We create garbage waste everyday by not even knowing where it ends. But now you have a chance to take a peek.
Near the outskirts of the capital of Nicaragua, Managua, there’s this urban waste landfill named la chureca. To our common sense such environment shouldn’t be habitable, yet there were approximately 1500 people living nearby and dependant on the wasteland.
Although the government of Nicaragua has begun a transforming project on la chureca since 2007, which includes the restriction of entrance to the wasteland, relocating the residents to an area of new social housing, establishing a recycle plant and providing jobs to the former garbage pickers.
We still discovered that this program has not yet succeeded in covering the whole population of the residents.
As a result, our aim is to focus on this group of people by providing the necessity of proper housing. Moreover we studied the method of recycling plastic, which has low economical value compared to the other materials, by turning them into bricks to provide as a construction material for our new type of housing design.