January 06, 2017
Misty Forest
Designed by Pei-Hsin Wen and Chieh-Ling Chao
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

基地位在宜蘭蘇澳的龍德工業區,由於當地二級產業密集,導致蘇澳地區空氣污染雖然嚴重,卻因為宜蘭空氣測站過於分散,導致蘇澳空污 問題長久以來被忽視,而龍德工業區內的工廠住宅區位在空污最甚的區域,導致居民生活品質低落,因此我們的設計就是透過地景和植栽創造一個被綠包圍的空間,再加上以回收當地家庭廢水為水源所設計的水循環系統,打造充滿負離子又可以吸附PM2.5的迷霧森林。
Due to the local secondary industry-intensive, leading to Suao serious air pollution, but because of Yilan air station is too scattered, so the air pollution problem has long been ignored. Our site is located in the most polluted areas of the industrial area, resulting in low quality of life. Therefore, our design is to create a green space surrounded by landscapes and plantings, and try to recycle local household waste water into the water circulation system we designed in order to create a recreation area like misty forest which is full of fresh air.