January 06, 2017
Steam studio
Designed by Hsuan-Fang Chen and Xiao-Qing Xu
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

近年,奈及利亞的貧民人口仍不斷增加,然而,位於西南方 的拉哥斯城市有著世界上最大的水上貧民窟-馬可可漂浮社區,以 捕魚、魚類加工維生。 馬可可貧民窟居住人口高達15萬人,雖位於海上,但因當地 缺乏汙水系統,造成水資源不足、呼吸疾病及死亡率問題嚴重。透過太陽能海水蒸餾器之原理,發展出蒸氣廊道的建築形式,蒐集蒸 餾過後的凝結水以提供居民有免費之飲用水,亦利用蒸氣治療的方 式,使居民在蒸氣廊道中能有舒緩呼吸道系統的功效。 其附帶之空間為公共澡堂與天然魚池。前者,為蒸餾水的另一用途,減少居民與汙水直接接觸的機會,降低疾病發生之可能性; 後者,因當地無電力系統,沒有冰箱存放魚類,進而結合停船空間 提供一個暫時儲放之天然魚池。 以當地回收木材作為結構體,利用對居民容易建造的方式, 以小區域複製化為目標,藉此幫助貧民實質地改善生活。
In recent years, the poor population in Nigeria still increases; however, Lagos located in the southwest city of Nigeria has the largest water slum in the world - Makoko floating community. They depend on fishing and fish processing for their livelihoods. There are 150 thousand people living in Makoko slum. Although located on the Lagos lagoon, it lacks sewage system. The condition results in water shortage, respiratory disease and the death rate rising. Through the principle of solar water distillation, we develop the architectural form of Steam Gallery to collect condensed water, and providing free water to residents. Also, we use the method of steam treatment so that residents can ease breathing problems. The attached spaces are the public bath and a natural fish pond. The former is another use of distilled water to reduce the chance of direct contact with the sewage and also decrease the possibility of disease. The latter is combined with the space of boat parking to provide the temporary storage. It is used by local recycled woods as a structure, and built by easy way for residents. Finally, we copy it in other areas to help the poor improve their lives.