January 04, 2019
CRI studio
Designed by Yung-Hsien Huang+ Chun-Lung Wang
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

南進門玻璃走廊當初建築師設計的初衷是希望帶入人群與活 動,打開美術館的對外關係。而現今卻因為室內炎熱的問題而加裝 了遮陽簾,反而違背了當初設計的訴求。因此,我們想利用這個 契機,思考是否有種結合微建築、藝文、自然、活動的可能性。我 們選用可翻轉的布幕做遮陽,將屋頂的太陽能板作為系統的電力來 源,也利用美術館收集來的雨水噴灑在皮層周圍,為道路周邊的人 群提供一個舒適的氛圍也為改善空氣汙染做出貢 獻。而在館內的微 氣候被改變之後,我們對玻璃走廊提出一個新的使用機能看法。當 美術館晚間關閉時,玻璃走廊並不會隨之關閉,而是開放出來給市 民使用,探討美術館跟都市居民能否有一種新的互動形式。
The original design concept of the Glass Corridor was to bring in the crowds and activities and break the closed space of the museum. Nowadays, because of the hot indoor microclimate, the sunshade is added, which violates the original design concept. Therefore, we want to use this opportunity to think about whether there is a possibility of combining micro-architecture, art, nature, and activities. We use curtains to make the sunshade, use the solar panels on the rooftop as the power source of the system, and use the rainwater which is collected from the roof of the museum to spray around the cortex of the glass corridor, providing a comfortable atmosphere for the people around the road and improving air pollution problem. After the microclimate was changed, we proposed a new space function of the glass corridor. When the museum is closed in the evening, the glass corridor will not be closed, but will be opened to the public.We try to explore whether the museum and the citizens can have a new form of interaction.