September 02, 2019
Designed by Ching-Wen Yeh and Yu-Hsuan Chang
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

位於愛河下游的中都濕地為民生廢水匯集地,近年因淨化廢水的效能不堪負荷而產生優養化的現象。針對優養化所造成的溶氧不足的問題,欲透過機械的介入,以植物的產氧作為相對應的 解決方式,促使中都濕地能更快的恢復健康狀態。垂直化系統使物種生存不受地域限制,以生態點滴為原型企圖討論如何以機械作為自然生態運行的載具,進而產生物種之間另一種共存與片利的可能性。
Zhongdu Wetland, located in the lower reaches of Love River, is where household wastewater gathers. In recent years, the wastewater purification system has been overloaded, resulting in eutrophication.
To tackle the problem of insufficient dissolved oxygen due to eutrophication, machines can be combined with plants to form solutions to accelerate Zhongdu Wetland‘s recovery to health.
The vertical system removes the geographical limitation of different species. ’'Eco-Drips‘’ is a prototype that attempts to discuss how machines can act as an ecological vehicle, enabling another kind of symbiosis or commensalism.