September 23, 2019
Designed by Wen Jue Wang and Meng Yun Hsieh
Adviser: Huai-Wen Chang

中都濕地在經歷磚窯廠取泥燒磚 , 成為儲木池 , 廢棄成為垃圾場后又如今成為紅樹林的復育地。棲息住于淤泥的動物因為紅樹林復育定期疏植清淤 , 導致食物與棲地被影響。我們想將濕地原本需要清理的淤泥重新利用 , 結 合唐榮磚窯廠挖泥制磚的方式 , 製作成生態瓦片 , 提供動物較穩定的生存空間。同時適度控制紅樹林生長 , 便於疏植清淤。
This piece of land has gone through multiple stages: themud source for brick kilns, a wood storage pond, a garbagedump,and now a mangrove restoration area. The food andhabitat of the wetland fiddler crabs are constantly affected bythe mangrove restoration process, namely the replanting anddredging.Since the wetlands need regular dredging, the silt thatneeds to be removed can be reused. Using Tang-Rong BrickKiln’s technique of baking bricks out of mud, we hope to makeecological tiles to provide a more stable living space for thefiddler crabs. At the same time, the overgrowth of mangroves canbe controlled to allow for easier plant thinning and dredging.