June 03, 2016
Designed by Zhuan-Hui Yang and Tai-Jung Wu
Advicer: Huai-Wen Chang

今年農曆過年期間,澎湖內灣發生了一起嚴重的魚群大 量死亡事件,以往冬季魚類也會受凍死亡,大家不以為意,只是沒想到這次越死越多,情況愈發嚴重。澎湖的環境問題有兩大原因。第一種,是人為造成的過度捕撈與大量觀光客;第二種, 受極端氣候影響,冬季出現融雪使原本低溫的海水更低溫,鹽度也相對下降,不利海洋生物生長。我們希望透過監測站觀察海洋生物的數量變化等,對陸地發出警訊,好做下一步預防動作。而觀光的目的,是為讓人們更直接的知道生態的變化,進而關愛自己所處的生態。
During this year's Lunar New Year, there was a large number of serious fish deaths in Penghu Bay.Everyone did not mind,until the death situation had become worse.Penghu environmental issues for two reasons.The first is caused by man that overfishing and over sightseeing.The second is extreme climate.Due to the strange weather,the winter snowmelt occurs so that the original cold waters is colder.Salinity also relative decline, unfavorable growth of marine organisms. We want to observe the change of marine life through station,and we can issue a warning to make people do next preventive action.Beside,sightseeing purpose is to make people more aware of ecological changes directly.